Why Is Restorative Dentistry So Important?

Posted on June 2, 2023

When it comes to your child’s oral health, dental trauma unfortunately happens sometimes. Luckily, pediatric dentists like our team at Creekside Smiles can help, we specialize in restorative dentistry. Restorative dentistry is the treatment of diseases of the teeth in order to focus on restoring them back to their best health and to their original state. Restorative dentistry also includes the repair of damaged or defective teeth.

Procedures that are considered restorative dentistry include:
• pulpotomy, or treatment of the nerve
• silver stainless steel crowns
• white fillings in a tooth or teeth
• extractions (removing teeth)
• placement of space maintainers

Children Get Cavities

Most kids love to indulge in sweets that can lead to decay. According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, children between the ages of two to five have an average of three primary teeth needing fillings and two decaying teeth at any given time. Pediatric dentists are well-versed in restorative dentistry to properly fix cavities and stop decay from spreading.

Tooth Trauma

Children are very active, and injuries can occur to their teeth from falls, during play or sports activities, resulting in dental trauma. Dental trauma injuries may be to a baby tooth or a permanent tooth. A tooth can be cracked, chipped, or totally detached from its socket. Your child may experience bleeding from the area, pain, or increased sensitivity when a tooth is injured.

If your child faces a dental emergency, please give us a call at Creekside Smiles immediately. We are always here to assist when your child’s dental health is at risk.
Below are some guidelines and tips on dealing with urgent dental situations to help immediately manage the situation:

• Remain calm and reassure your child that you will help.
• If the area is bleeding, place a small piece of folded gauze at the site and have your child bite down or hold it in place with firm pressure.
• Offer your child cool water or an ice pop to suck on to help reduce swelling and pain.
• If a tooth is chipped or cracked, collect all the pieces of the tooth. Make sure a piece of tooth is not imbedded in the lips, tongue, or gums.

Contact Creekside Smiles for further follow-up and care. Specific treatment for an injured tooth will be determined by your child’s pediatric dentist. Sharp or ragged tooth edges may need to be smoothed, and further treatment may be needed to preserve the tooth. In such cases, pediatric dentists may use restorative dentistry to repair chipped or cracked teeth, replace lost teeth, and/or seal any exposed roots. With pediatric restorative dentistry, your child can have their smile restored to its original state with minimal pain and discomfort.

Avulsed (Knocked Out) Teeth

When a tooth is completely displaced out of its socket and the socket is found empty or filled with a blood clot, this is called Avulsion. If this occurs, the pediatric dentist at Creekside Smiles is prepared to address any sudden injuries. If a tooth is avulsed (knocked out) due to trauma, we can provide appropriate emergency management and a treatment plan to provide the best possible prognosis for the tooth in an efficient manner.

Below are some guidelines and tips on dealing with urgent dental situations, such as knocked out teeth to help immediately manage the situation:

• Remain calm and reassure your child that you will help.
• If the area is bleeding, place a small piece of folded gauze at the site and have your child bite down or hold it in place with firm pressure.
• If your child’s tooth has been knocked out, find the tooth and rinse it with water (no soap), Only touch the crown of the tooth (the part you can see when it’s in place).
• Place the tooth in a clean container with cold milk.
• Contact Creekside Smiles immediately and/or head to the hospital. If you act quickly, it’s possible to save the tooth. Specific treatment for a knocked-out tooth will be determined by your child’s pediatric dentist.

Long-Term Benefits

By using the latest technology and materials, your pediatric dentist can prevent future problems with your child’s teeth. Restorative dentistry can also provide long-term benefits such as improved speech, better chewing, and enhanced aesthetics. As children develop speech, it is beneficial to have as many healthy teeth as possible, as they are natural space maintainers to help guide the permanent teeth to erupt correctly into position.

Restorative dentistry is very important, it can provide long-term benefits that ensure your child’s mouth remains healthy and functions properly. Regular visits to your pediatric dentist can keep your child’s teeth healthy and restore issues immediately. Are you ready to get your child started on the path to a healthy, confident smile that lasts a lifetime? Give Creekside Smiles Pediatric Dentistry a call today at 704.476.1750 to get an appointment scheduled with our talented, experienced team!